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October 26, 2005



Oh boy! I've been waiting all day for you to post it. Hurrah, hurrah! Now, to pick my colors...


Kristin, I list yardage amounts and gave examples of my stripe sequences and listed how many balls of each color I used in my sweaters.

Since I am listing yardage, you can choose whatever colors and how many colors you want to use. Just be sure that you buy enough of the colors you plan to use on the ribbing and on the neckline...


Yeah! I am off to pick colors too. Wendy I love your blog and read it everyday and love your work...couldn't wait for you to post the pattern today. Oy, first time posting.


Very exciting... this is exactly the type of pattern I need since I tend to choose yarns before projects. And it's the kind of sweater I actually *wear*. Hooray Wendy! I raise a glass to you!


I hav eo sneak this comment in while i'm at work! =) Love it! Going to buy it right now!


*clicks needles together in knitterly appreciation*

Wendy, LOVE IT!! And up to a 46in bust!! AND 2 gauges! Bravissima!


Yay! Thanks Wendy! I've been waiting patiently for the pattern. I can't wait to make the sweater. Just have to hide the yarn from the hubby (again).


At last, the simple sweater pattern we've all been waiting for! And it doesn't even look hand-made ;]

Just out of curiosity before I buy, did you include sleeve options for all the way down to the wrist? Or are they only 3/4 length? Thanks!


There are three options: cap sleeve, mid-length, and the usual length (long).


Hey congratulations on the new pattern! Choose-your-own-adventure knitting... I like it! BW would be so proud.


Ms. Tonic, this is truly remarkable and as soon as I get Mr. Fabulous' sweater off the needles I'll be joining the stripe brigrade! Congratulations.


With so many levels of the pattern it's a steal!

thank you a lot! now... let's add a bit more on that knitpicks cart while we're a it eh?


Kudos. It's a great sweater. This will definately be on my "To Knit List". I have to clear off a few other items first!

gina L

Wendy, Perfect timing to post this pattern. I was just telling my friend it is the pattern she is looking for. I will forward her the info. I am so excited to make this baby. I think I may go solid the first time making it. How was the taping last night? We have to hear about your very BIG SHOW! -gina


It is beautiful. Thank you for providing the bigger sizes too ;).


Ack - another project that has to wait until after Xmas knitting is done...unless I can say that this is a gift...to me! Thanks for the great pattern...very inspiring.


Fantastic! I've been waiting for this ever since you posted the picture of your first Essential Stripe. Have already bought and downloaded my copy. :)

Thank you so much for making the effort to write up this pattern!


Wow, both of the sweaters look great and you are so thin!


Ok, now i need to get off of my ass and finish the NSS Cardigan for my mom so i can start this one!



I can't wait to give this a try.

I love your blog and the sweater looks great. You're a knitting genius!!



Like Gina I have to clear some other projects off my needles first - at the very least my Socktoberfest socks - but this has just jumped over some other waiting projects since it's something I will actually wear and the weather is just turning perfect for it. Thanks for sharing the pattern, it's great!


Thanks for the great pattern. I just bought mine and so looking forward to making it!


Thanks for posting this =) ever since i first saw it ive wanted to make it hehe. Now i have to go pick out colors and wait till i get home to get my credit card out!

Felicia from sweetgeorgia

Wendy! It looks awesome! I like how you've done it up in two different colourways to show the possibilities -- beautiful. Now, if only I didn't have so much knitting on the needles already!!


Looks great wendy! I love the color combos!

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