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February 07, 2007



Guess I'm gonna have to hit the yarn sale (AGAIN!) this weekend!


I am all over it! I have been checking your website, pretty much hourly, so I can get the pattern ASAP. LOVE IT!


SO excited! I'm currently sitting at home sick with the flu, and I can't wait to get to the yarn store... (I have to drive a bit, but it will be worth it!)

Thanks for adding a little flair to all of our wardrobes!


Wowzer! My bag of Valley Yarns Sugarloaf worsted finally has a reason for living! I'm stoked.


I went crazy when I saw the picture. I love love love it. I bought the pattern and ordered yarn from kpixie :D


such a pretty smile....

Monica Brown

I love it! I am debating on what size to make it! Is it too personal to ask what size you are wearing?


I'm wearing the second size, or 36...


Gorgeous - and I love the name. Bet it'd be divine with toggle buttons, too.


I like the way it swings out at upper hip and not mid-hip. This is going to be a fun knit!




i do believe i have just enough plymouth mira mira in turquioise to whip this up! i have been holding onto this gorgeous yarn awaiting the perfect match for it and i think i have found it in flair! i don't wear wool by think my mom would gor crazy for this! i'll be buying the pattern!


A winner! I couldn't wait until you published the pattern. Thank you! Still love Chuck!


thanks for making the pattern available so quickly. hmmm, maybe i can re-prioritize some projects. who am i fooling? i'm going to go buy more yarn. :)


Stunning! Thanks.


I just love this little jacket! If I had the energy, I'd knit it up right now before I get too big (I'm pregnant.) It will be knit up at some point though, I just love it!


Can I just tell you how much I love you for designing things for, ahem . . . "curvier" girls like me? I've been reading you for a long time, but haven't posted before -- you make my mornings cheerier!


Must. Have. Must. Knit.

Probably must put on retro collar.

Love the name, too.

By the way, I think it'd be pretty easy to make your own fur collar. The current issue of Threads is about faux fur; it even shows a swingy little jacket done totally in faux fur.


OK, I usually only read...lurk...whatever, but have to tell you I waited w/baited breathe for you to post this beauty and now it's mine to knit! Yippee since it's too cold to go outside I guess I just have to stay in and knit;)THANKS!!


Just fabulous! I already bought mine;)

Shazmina Bendi

sqweeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ok, I now have to rearrange my knitting calendar so I can get this knitted by April......... looks like this could be my Easter project!!! yay!!!!!!!


those are awesome photos.


Love, love, love it.
Heading out on a business trip to New Orleans tomorrow -- have 3 LYS in my plans for there and yarn for this project is head of the list!.


flair looks wonderful! thank you so much for making your cool designs multi-sized. i can't wait to knit this up!


This coat is beautiful! Beautiful! I love it! I will definitely buy the pattern one day, after my husband gets over the shock of my having spent 400 dollars within two weeks on yarn!

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